CMP3 – Task 7

Link to HITRECOD challenge:



The theme for the last workshop task was ‘Remix’ or Mash-up. We had to produce a remix of existing audio-visual content and present it in a new form. For this task, I struggled to come up with an original idea so instead I took on an editing challenge from the site ‘HITRECORD’. The challenge I had was to create a short film about Vancouver using media provided from the original post. Most of the footage I had to work with consisted of scenic long-shots of the city, so my aim for this piece was to create an advert for Vancouver, to create something appealing to the viewer. Using Premiere Pro, I was able to insert the media and arrange it in any order I wished.



The final task was arguably my favourite one, largely because we were able to remix existing media in which we particularly engage with whilst also applying everything we’ve learnt in the course. It was interesting to use someone else’s content for a project, and to also compare the final piece to other variations of the same project. The only problems I had occurred during the editing process where a lot of the assets I was using appeared to be shaky and unstable. Premiere Pro was able to correct this effectively using ‘Warp Stabilizer’. Overall my final piece applies to brief in the purest sense that I have reorganised existing material.


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